West Lothian Council.


‘Switch Off & Breathe’

Multi Channel Advertising Campaign

The Brief.

West Lothian Council and The East of Scotland Vehicle Emissions Partnership’s ‘Switch Off & Breathe’ campaign raises awareness of the harmful air pollution caused by exhaust fumes, and discourages unnecessary vehicle idling across five key council areas in East/Central Scotland.

We were asked to evolve the creative direction and give the entire campaign a fresh look and feel across multiple platforms, including a brand new campaign website.

The Insight.

Vehicle idling is habitual, most don’t even realise they are doing it. Changing this pattern of behaviour requires the breaking of that habit. Creating other ‘real life’ comparisons akin to the wasteful, and harmful act of Idling can help provide context on just how unnecessary it is.

The Work.

“You wouldn’t leave your shower on, while you blow dry your hair.”

We identified simple, everyday household actions that most people would view as unnecessarily wasteful, dangerous or costly. Using these points of reference we built a hero suite of ads across TV, Radio & Social to highlight how ‘Vehicle Idling’ is every bit as wasteful and harmful as these household scenarios.

We created all copy, animation, design, branding, radio and music production – and built a new, simplified campaign site for Switch Off & Breathe. The campaign launched on Social Media in May 2020, and ‘above the line’ on Radio, TV & Outdoor in October 2020.


TV & Online Film

Our TV and Pre Roll spots were animated films that highlighted the habitual behaviour attached to vehicle idling.

Seasonal alts were then created to align with ‘Clean Air Day 2020’ and their Winter ‘Clear & Go’ message.

Clean Air Day Spot - TV/Online

Winter Clear & Go Spot - TV/Online

Visual Brand Refresh.

We freshened up the brand mark, visual identity and palette to give us more flexible and better quality brand assets for use across all channels.



OOH Execution - Bus Back Super Rears

Poster Artwork

Poster Artwork

Radio & Social.

A new bespoke musical identity was also created with first use of a Sonic Audio Trigger to aid recall across all audio-visual mediums.

On social, we leaned heavily on simple, single message graphics and narrative lead carousels that reinforced key comparisons from the Hero ad.


The Client.

“Gary and his team have done an outstanding job throughout, made even more amazing considering the restrictions and obstacles caused by the pandemic. All deadlines were met with ease and communications with the team throughout were excellent.

All areas of the campaign have been refreshed beyond expectations, which has been possible because they understand totally what our message is and how to deliver it.

I would not hesitate to recommend Gary and his team to take care of any requirements, and personally look forward to working with them for the foreseeable future.”



Creative Director | Gary Lamont
Art Direction | Ellen Macdonald
Campaign Strategy | Gary Lamont
Design & Visual Identity | Ellen Macdonald
Copywriting | Gary Lamont
Motion Design
| Gordon Howie
Audio Production | Jordan McKay
Audio Branding & Sound Design | Mark Cowan
Web Design & Development | Chris Harris
Social Strategy | David MacAffer




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